Sunday, May 4, 2008

This is a title!

Here are some more pics for ya all.

I went to a Magic The Gathering tournament this weekend. it was fun. I didn't win, but I met a bunch of new nerds.... i mean people like me....

I've been listening to the lightning theif books, but they are almost done and its not that good of a book, but not bad. I've been trying to sleep, but couldn't get there, so I'm posting then going back to bed again.

Oh and heres a funny story for Jessica late at night again....

Jessica stubs her toe, I laugh because it was funny and she sits down looking at her pinky toe
Jessica says all worried, "I can't move my toe!"
Me (pushing her hand off her foot) "Thats because your holding it"
Jessica (Wiggling her toe) "Oh...."

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Tucker Mom said...

Are there three of four? well here I go.
1. Small piece of plactic canvas
2. Lipstick samples
3. Paper money
4. Scrapbooking brads

Charlotte said...

1. Pot Scrubber
2. some sort of game card
3. $20 bill
4. wii remote

Charlotte said...

3. We want to change the $20 to a $2 bill

Brenda said...

1. Something Black
2. Something that I have seen before but can't place for the life of me!
3. $50 bill
4. That one thing with circles on it
(these were really hard)

Kim and Ken Carlile said...

1. Ken: edge of a black countertop
Kim: roof tile
2. game board piece
3. $2 bill
4. earrings / rhinestones

Charlotte said...

PS Elise loves those books and is so excited to get the next installment! I thought they were cute.

Charlotte said...

PPS I see that I have been given credit for answers to these pictures, but I don't know which ones were right! Let me know. Notice how I am ahead even though I didn't get to vote on the 1st two sets?

Boyer Family said...

2. a magic card
4. 5 dollar bill

Jessica Tucker said...

***** Actual Answers *****

1. Speaker
2. Magic the Gathering card game
3. $2 bill
4. wii remote


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